Driving Readership Through Community

Helping Authors Get Read and Reviewed
Welcome to Atlas Elite Publishing, your premier marketing partner in the world of literature. We specialize in providing top-tier services to publishers, whether traditional or hybrid, as well as to PR agents, literary agents, book promoters, and book coaches. Our mission is to elevate your authors experience by offering comprehensive support that spans from a wide range of branding and selling services that books read.
At Atlas Elite Publishing, we offer unparalleled marketing services designed to help your company propel books to new heights. Our comprehensive menu includes guaranteed sales, author interviews, and national media placements to maximize authors' visibility. We also provide opportunities for TED Talks and bestseller guarantees on major platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Books-A-Million.
When your company becomes an Atlas Value Added Reseller (VAR), you gain access to an extensive range of marketing services to offer your clients. These services can significantly boost your company's existing revenue by 40-60% in less than 90 days. Partner with us and experience a marketing strategy that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, positioning your work for extraordinary acclaim and recognition.

“I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in”